Cross-sport. Competitive. Fantasy Betting.

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What do we do?

Everything Parlays is an innovative application that gamifies sports-betting through contests that tailor to sports bettors & fantasy users.  We aim to elevate sports engagement by encouraging social competition.

  • Pick your favorite sports bets picks and don’t forget to be strategic!

  • Enter your board in competitions to compete with the public or with your friends. Earn the most points to become the champion and win prizes.

  • Stay connected with your friends by inviting them to participate in contests with you.

Meet the Team

  • Keith Bevans


    Head of Operations

  • Avyn Alairys


    Head of Marketing

  • Nick Depies


    Head of Technology

  • Maggie Fortune


    Head of Content

Meet the Advisory Team

  • Marc O.

    Chief Marketing Officer
    Greenwood Gaming & Entertainment

  • Kevin M.

    Lead Software Engineer

    Fortune 500 Company & Co-Founder of

  • James D.

    Venture Partner

    Nexxus Capital Management

  • David K.

    Johnson & Michaels inc.